Wednesday, 03 January 2024

Linda-maree Conyard

This edition is a cup of tea and sit for a bit worthy. It's a bit longer than normal. Maybe you can find a little sunshine (here in Queensland, we have had lots of storms and rain, so sunshine is a little sparse) and sit outside with your tea and this week's Trauma Bytes. It's a day late because I was enjoying my garden (when it wasn't raining & the strawberries are so yummy if I can beat my grandson to them LOL), archiving records, and consciously clearing out what was finished from last year. I still have a little more to do, but I am very happy with my progress. I've noticed the space that this has been giving me has me a bit excited about what 2024 will bring.

I'm so pleased to have you with me again this year. I’ve always been shy and very conscious of not posting to my email list too much. At the end of last year, I was reflecting on what I was emailing you and realised that because I was so busy being thoughtful about not bombarding you with emails I hadn't been sending you the memes I sent to social media that had some awesome quotes and statements that supported the theme I had for the Trauma Byte. That was because I thought it might be too much to you from me. What I’ve decided to do is not rip you off from the pearls of wisdom you have been missing out on and send you the quotes. So what it will look like is this: Monday Mindfulness / Tuesday Trauma Bytes / Wednesday Wisdom / Thursday Truth and Friday Freedom

These emails will have the meme with the quote or statement that relates to the Trauma Byte. These have been chosen to help keep the topic at the front of your mind and hopefully encourage you to put the mindfulness practices in place and build momentum for your daily mindfulness practices. It is important to take notice of how you feel before doing what you are working on and how you feel after practicing. By bringing these reminders to you daily, my wish is that you begin to build momentum with your inner work and you are able to notice that difference in your daily life.

Are we still a good fit?

Some of you have been with me on my email list for a very long time, and I am making the assumption that if you are still on my list, you want to be.

I also want to make sure that if we are not a fit anymore, you feel okay to unsubscribe—absolutely no hard feelings.​

Plan for 2024​

  • ​Complete my Book
  • Increase the number of women who join us in the Transformative Alchemy Membership
  • Reignite my YouTube Channel with Trauma Bytes
  • Introduce Online Constellations
  • Continue to build the resources available to you on the website. At the end of last year, I started to create some resources for you. The plan is to build a comprehensive collection of resources tailored to help you deeply connect with who you truly are.

“To be free is to be capable of thinking one's own thoughts - not the thoughts merely of the body, or of society but thoughts generated by one's deepest, most original, most essential and most spiritual self, one's individuality.” —Rudolf Steiner

Freedom is my number one value. To be free, we would need to be deeply connected to who we are and really get to know ourselves. This is what I help women to achieve so they can live more fully.

You are the reason I am doing this work, for women seeking healing and want to stop the repeating patterns running their lives. Feedback is very important to me, and I would so appreciate it if you could spare a couple of minutes and let me know how I'm doing. I love to hear how things are working....or not working...for you.

I invite you to hit reply and let me know how you think we could improve or adjust things. Can’t wait to hear what you have to say!

Trauma Byte - Beginnings

Embarking on new beginnings often sparks excitement within us. We eagerly anticipate change, hoping for a shift away from our current circumstances. However, it's crucial to pause and ask ourselves: What precisely excites us about these new beginnings? Are we seeking an escape from our present situation? Or are we clear in our decision and are genuinely following what we know to be the best next step for us?

Consider this scenario: dissatisfied with our current workplace, we secure a new job, feeling the rush of excitement for a fresh start. Yet, we might soon discover similar challenges or dissatisfaction in the new role. This recurrence may leave us feeling exactly the same as we felt in the job we just left and we experience something akin to the movie "Groundhog Day."

It's wonderful to be excited about things in your life. It's equally important to double-check that you are not repeating a pattern and just running from one situation to another that has you experiencing the same thing. In this edition of Trauma Bytes, we'll explore:

  • ​Excitement plus Consciousness;
  • Cultivating Mindful Clarity; and
  • Practical Practices for Clarity.

Recognising the source of our excitement for new beginnings is vital. Are we excited about genuinely new opportunities, or are we merely seeking to flee from our current discomfort? Exploring our intentions and the driving force behind our excitement allows for a deeper understanding of our motivations.

1. Excitement plus Consciousness
Excitement often accompanies the prospect of a new beginning, and it's imperative to discern its root cause. We often expect that we need to investigate the causes of so-called negative emotions, but do we think the same for the positive ones?

I invite you to explore the underlying reasons for your excitement. Are you genuinely enthusiastic about the opportunities that lie ahead, or is it a response to feeling discontent with your current situation? Delve into your motivations and uncover the truth about whether they stem from a desire for substantial growth or you are escaping discomfort. Embracing self-reflection helps unearth the authenticity behind your emotions and intentions.

A clue that we may be creating this beginning because we want relief from our current reality may be that we are thinking it all out. When we are led by our inner knowing, we need to do less thinking.

2. Cultivating Mindful Clarity
“If you don’t master your mind, you won’t master anything.” Linda Conyard

Mindfulness is a powerful tool you can use to bring into awareness what hides within and allows your repeating patterns to continue. If you don't know these patterns exist, then you aren't able to do something about them.

"Once you see something you can't not see it." Linda Conyard

Learning to be more mindful will allow you to see what is leading you into a repeating pattern and allow you to gain clarity before leaping into new beginnings.

"We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are." Anais Nin

These practices can aid in examining our thoughts and emotions with impartiality. It provides a space to explore our desires without being swayed by temporary emotions. This mindful introspection facilitates a deeper understanding of your aspirations, aiding in making informed and conscious choices.

3. Practical Practices for Clarity
Dedicate time to journal your thoughts, emotions, and aspirations regarding the impending change. Use this practice as a means of introspection, allowing your thoughts to flow freely onto paper. Use questions that probe your intentions behind seeking this change, uncovering whether it stems from a genuine desire for growth or a need to escape.

By creating a space of non-reactivity, mindfulness enables a clear, unbiased exploration of your desires and motivations. To cultivate mindful clarity before diving into new beginnings, consider these practices:

▷ Reflective Journaling
Take time to journal your thoughts and emotions about the impending change. Ask yourself probing questions: What are my motivations for this change? Am I seeking escape or genuine growth? Observe your feelings without judgment.

▷ Mindful Decision-Making
Prior to making significant decisions, create some moments of stillness for yourself. Take time to allow yourself to arrive in your body and on your chair. Notice your body breathing itself. No need to change anything, just observe.

Allow the mind to settle as much as possible, observing your thoughts and emotions without attempting to control or alter them. This mindful pause fosters a space for clarity to emerge, enabling you to make decisions rooted in awareness rather than reactive impulses.

Allow yourself to sit with the decision, noticing your feelings and thoughts without rushing to conclusions. Allow the answer to rise up within you not from your mind.

▷ Introspective Dialogue
Initiate an inner dialogue, engaging in thoughtful conversations with yourself. Compassionately question the nature of your desires and expectations surrounding the impending change.

Examine whether the excitement is sustained by a genuine yearning for progress or a fleeting urge to escape discomfort. This introspective dialogue encourages an honest exploration of your intentions.

By expanding upon and actively engaging in these mindful practices, you are cultivating a foundation of clarity, authenticity and an honest connection with yourself. This approach empowers you to embrace new beginnings with a profound understanding of your motivations, guiding you away from repetitive cycles and towards purposeful growth and fulfilment.

This approach helps us transcend the Groundhog Day cycle by fostering awareness and intentionality in our choices.

May this week's Trauma Bytes guide you to become increasingly conscious of the new beginnings you find in your life and move forward with clarity, authenticity and the wisdom to break free from repetitive cycles.

I love hearing from you and receiving your updates, so please keep them coming.

May you be well, may you be happy, and may you have inner peace.

Linda ♡

If you try out any offered practices, I’d love to hear how you found them and what you now understand that you didn’t before. I love, love, love hearing from you guys.

If you are ready to make lasting changes to your life and would like some support, then come and join our Transformative Alchemy Membership, where we delve deeper into topics like those I write about in Trauma Bytes and provide you with the tools and community support needed to maintain positive transformations in your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health. It's an opportunity to create sustainable, thriving, and holistic well-being that stands the test of time. More information is below.

Do you know someone who might be interested in the topics I write about in Trauma Bytes?

If you love what I'm writing and wish to tell others, I invite you to share your own experience of reading Trauma Bytes with them and let them know you think they might enjoy reading them too. Invite them to sign up, you may copy & share the link below:


Thank you so much for sharing my work. You are helping me to help others.

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Disclaimer: All information provided throughout this website is purely for education purposes only. Anyone wanting to make changes to their health and wellbeing needs to connect with their own health professional. If you choose to implement any ideas provided here,
you do so of your own accord and at your own risk. Linda-maree, Conyard cannot take responsibility or liability whatsoever for
any harm from the use or dissemination of the information provided on this website.

All Superior Rights Reserved Under Rule of Natural Lore/Law: All Are Equal Before The Lore/Law, At All Times.