UNnecessary Trauma Book Thank You Gifts

I am so happy to share these gifts with you as my special thank you for purchasing my book, and therefore supporting my work. These gifts are some beginning tools that may support your journey back home to yourself. As I mentioned in my book I believe there are three major disconnects we tolerate and suffer;

     1. Disconnection from Self;
     2. Disconnection from Others' and
     3. Disconnection from our Environment.

If we can deeply connect with the truth of who we are (reconnect with our true selves) then our connection to others and our environment improves and deepens to the extent we connect within.

These gifts have been specifically chosen because they support you in building UNresolved trauma awareness within yourself and then recognising it in others. I encourage you to take time with these processes, checking in with your mind and body sensations. The more you comprehend that the unresolved trauma responses are about what has happened to you, not who you are, the more you open up to the potential that is available to you through your connection with your true self.

I'd love to know what you thought of the book and its impact on you. Do you have any questions about the content? Would you like to learn more about being trauma-sensitive? Is there something else you would like me to expand on? Just write any questions or requests in the form below and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

By completing your details below, you will be directed to a page to access the following gifts:

     *  The Trauma Quiz;
     *  The 6 Areas of Life Self-Assessment;
     *  How Do I Regulate Worksheet;
     *  How To Choose a Therapist Checklist; and a
     *  Meditation for Mind and Body.

I hope you find them all useful and supportive. If you have any trouble accessing anything please contact support@lindaconyard.com.

May you be well, may you be happy and may you have inner peace.
Linda :)

PS If you would like me to speak at your conference or provide professional training on UNnecessary Trauma and/or Trauma Sensitivity, please reach out to me via my email – linda@lindaconyard.com or schedule a time to speak with me directly here. If you would like to learn more about Trauma Sensitivity for your own personal/professional development please contact me directly for more information.

Grab Your Gifts

I'd love it if you could leave me a testimonial for my book. Include how you would like you name published. 

Free Offer to You

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Disclaimer: All information provided throughout this website is purely for education purposes only. Anyone wanting to make changes to their health and wellbeing needs to connect with their own health professional. If you choose to implement any ideas provided here,
you do so of your own accord and at your own risk. Linda-maree, Conyard cannot take responsibility or liability whatsoever for
any harm from the use or dissemination of the information provided on this website.

All Superior Rights Reserved Under Rule of Natural Lore/Law: All Are Equal Before The Lore/Law, At All Times.